Colours of the year

We are moving towards Christmas. Parts of it are the decorations, as the public ones in the private ones, erected by a council or  by people in the neighbourhood.


Colours here too, at a former orphanage in Melbourne. A Loud Fence as a Mea Culpa to victims of sexual abuse. A Royal Commission looking into this found, unfortunately, many cases and a systematic coverup by the upper ranks.

Another colour – or better a full rainbow I found in St.Kilda on my way home, It is 12 months now since the gay marriage bill became reality.

Something completely different: Quilts and tea cosies at a Lavender Farm in the Yarra Valley east of Melbourne.

Over the year, nature provided spectacular colours.

This is as white as Melbourne gets: A hail storm. This year in August, it can happen anytime. A few years back we had it as Christmas Eve.

Another time it looked as being very disastrous for the company I worked with. I was nearby, watching the hail pouring down from the sky, when our servers went offline. A trip to the datacentre left me worried: Customers were not allowed in while the staff was wheeling out water in rubbish bins, a meter high. Nothing we could do than biting our time in a pub nearby until we were allowed to go in. A water bucket on top of our rack prevented the worst for our servers. The roof had sunk in under the weight of the white hail, and it was dripping at various places.

When bushwalking in spring, the surroundings of Melbourne are dressed in subtle colours. But it is lovely to find flowers on the way, left and right of the path taken.

Back in town, there is more.  The bottle brushes are native to our continent and are popular, planted in gardens or lining the road. A great place for lorrikeets to hide!

Spring is also the best time for visiting the Rhododendron Park in the Dandenongs, in Olinda.

Colours here too, at a former orphanage in MelbourneColours here too, at a former orphanage in Melbourne

Again, something different, from an inner suburb, from Fitzroy. Just to show that graffity is not just done for tourists looking around off Flinders Lane..

Nearby a strange place to park some old trains..

That’s all for today. I hope you enjoyed it, and I leave you with an always nice view: Watching the sunset, or just a night walk by the sea.